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6th August 2010


Work on the trailing truck frame has been completed with the fitting of the refurbished axlebox guide liners.

Initial inspection of the axleboxes and guide liners had shown that there was uneven wear, strongly suggesting that the axle assembly was misaligned.

A method of checking this was devised and after much careful measuring it was found that the left hand side axlebox aperture was 1/4" further forward than the right.

Evidence of damage to the left hand side of the truck frame showed that it had been hit hard by something at some point in its life. An attempt had been made to rectify this in the past, but was not sufficient to completely remove the problem.

To correct this all of the liners were skimmed flat again, one was reduced in thickness while others were shimmed out (packing plates put behind them), then all were bolted firmly into place.

Unfortunately the photos show little evidence of the time and effort that went into sorting this out!

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