Machining has been completed on the first of the axleboxes for the driving wheels.
The machined 'right hand leading' axlebox (on the right) has had any rough edges tidied up, the oil ways put in on the thrust face and is ready for trial fitting.
The one on the left is the 'left hand leading' axlebox this has had the new white metal cast on to it and is ready for machining to size, a third axlebox is set up ready for the white metal to be cast.
The axlebox incorporates a bearing surface that sits on an axle carrying some of the locomotives weight, the two shown carry approx. 9.5 tons each. The axlebox also allows vertical movement of the wheels and resists any sidewards thrust against the wheels when the locomotive is working.
The springs are attached via a pivot to the holes at the bottom, so effectively, the locomotive 'hangs' from the bottom of the axlebox.