Since the last report, more replacement items have been purchased to replace stolen ones.
A new tender hand brake crank arm has been delivered and after some fine adjustment, has been trial fitted to the tender front brake shaft.
An AWS brake valve has also been acquired, stripped and cleaned. This will receive some small modifications to convert it into a steam era type valve, as per the stolen item.
The tender front brake shaft bearing bracket castings have been bored out but need some finishing on a milling machine. The bronze bearings for these brackets have also been machined.
The four brake cylinder trunnion bearings have been machined to size and trial fitted to the brake cylinder brackets. The four worn rollers for the brake rod support brackets have been repaired and two of the support brackets final fitted to the tender, with their respective rollers.
On the loco, the replacement middle big end clip has been cleaned and its surface protected with Vaseline.
Work has started on cleaning and assessing the firebox and boiler cladding components for repair. The smaller parts are being worked on first, as the larger parts can only really be done outside, so that’s a job for warmer drier weather!
Images on this page are copyright A.J.Morgan