We have (just) received copies of the Boiler Inspector’s Report from January detailing a string of observations - most of which have been, or will be, corrected by the planned work so do not ruffle any feathers. However; one item that we were warned of in advance does give cause for concern.
Wasting in the front (parallel) section of the boiler barrel caused the inspector to recommend that we consider replacement now as he considered that it would not last beyond the 10 year ticket and it would make sense to fit the new tubeplate to a new barrel rather fit a new barrel to a tube plate ten years hence. While there is sound logic behind this, such a major addition to the current scope of work would eat heavily into our cash reserve and could threaten our ability to complete the locomotive’s overhaul in a sensible time frame.
Our original plan was to build up the wasted areas with weld deposit but SDRE recently advised that this would be problematic because the barrels were made from an alloy called Ducol which is not readily weldable.
Also part of our plan was to determine the remaining thickness by ultrasonic methods. This has now been done and reveals that the thickness matches that used on mild steel barrel versions and is greater than the thickness called up for Ducol. So: increased thickness is a bonus, and the inference that we have weldable material is another. With these two positives combined, SDRE feel that they can now make a good case for salvaging and continuing with the old barrel. That task, along with convincing the Inspector, is now in the hands of Paul Pridham and we await the outcome.
Meanwhile the inner firebox fabrication has been completed and the welds Non Destructively Examined by the Insurer with no adverse comments. After marking out and pilot drilling for the stays SDRE have trial fitted the new inner fabrication into the remnants of the outer and advise that all looks well.
This clears the way for work to commence on the outer wrapper.
Hill and Webster Handling Ltd (of Ashbourne, Derbyshire) have acknowledged receipt of our order for a new tender tank and have already contacted us to discuss a minor discrepancy - so we can see that they are paying attention to detail; which is very encouraging. We have sneaked our order in before that for a similar tank for the Bluebell Railway. Completion is forecast for late Summer.
Ours will be the second Merchant Navy/West Country tank that they have constructed. Their first tank to this design is at the Mid Hants Railway. The tank is of 5,250 gallon capacity, as fitted to the frames of Boscastle’s original tender in 1959 on rebuilding. Survey of our Merchant Navy chassis shows that the fixing bolt hole pattern is identical to that shown on the British Railways drawing for the tank base: so we have a design that definitely matches.