How you can help

How you can help

Fifty years ago, in January 1973, 'Boscastle' was the first steam locomotive to arrive on what is now the heritage Great Central Railway. Its arrival was the first sign of confidence from outside the East Midlands in the scheme to save the line from destruction. Although many engines have come and gone since, 'Boscastle' and its owners have remained faithful to the Great Central. Following restoration from scrapyard condition, 'Boscastle' steamed for the better part of 7 years in the 1990s, but is now undergoing a very expensive overhaul.


There are two ways in which you can help this process along:


The first is by making a donation through the David Clarke Railway Trust, the Great Central's supporting charity. If you would like to make either a one-off donation or a regular contribution, the buttons below show the options that are available. Donations will be placed into a designated account, on which Boscastle Locomotive Limited can draw as the need arises.


If you are a UK taxpayer, filling out the appropriate Gift Aid Declaration will attract a further 25% to your donation from the government.

Boscastle Official Supporters Club

If you are interested in keeping up to date with news of how the overhaul is going, why not join the Boscastle Official Supporters Club?  It's free!  To find out how, and more, just click/tap here.

If you would like more information about the company, please write to

the address below ;

Boscastle Locomotive Ltd

c/o 70, Castle Road,




or email us:-

Email Us
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