The overhauled tender frames and hornguides have been measured using an optical alignment telescope confirming what we had always suspected, that the left frame side is slightly forward of the right side, the result of a hard working life no doubt!
Fortunately this can be corrected when we machine the tender axlebox sides.
The tender axleboxes have been heat treated to de-stress them after weld repairs, the journals and thrust faces have been white metalled and machined and work will start on the side faces shortly.
The boiler has had to take a bit of a back seat while we concentrate on getting the tender back on its wheels. The lower gauge frame pads have had to be removed due to some unforeseen repair work but have since been refitted, all of the worn smokebox rivet holes have been weld repaired and a recently machined batch of stays are being fitted to the firebox rear. Stay tapping work will recommence in earnest in the next quarter.
Images on this page are copyright A.J.Morgan & M.Playle