The main vacuum and steam heat pipe runs are completed and in the process of being painted. This just leaves the front of the vacuum reservoir pipe to re-route, so that our Merchant Navy tender pipework suits our West Country loco.
Four new pipe brackets have been made to replace corroded originals at the front and rear of the tender. Twelve new brake block holder pins have been machined, along with two locking bolts for the middle big end cotter, to replace those taken in July.
The thankless task of sourcing or replacements for the many stolen parts, is likely to keep us occupied for many months to come.
The loco and tender were on display at Quorn during the GCR Winter Gala and attracted much favourable comment.
An operational requirement to push the loco to Quorn resulted in us having to hastily re-assemble and fit the tender buffers and draw hook ready for the move.
Much time and effort went into cleaning, preparing and moving the loco for the gala, so a big thanks to all the volunteers and staff who helped with this.
Images on this page are copyright A.J.Morgan and P.Herrick