5th June 2015
This shows the tender frames resplendent in gloss black once again, a great deal of time and effort has been put into this by our volunteers, in spite of the unpredictable summer weather.
24th June 2015
The outside expansion links are now complete, the new pins have been fitted, bolts drilled for split pins and feathers (locating pegs) and permanent shims fitted. The photo shows both links assembled, with the new motion pins fitted. The next job is to complete the die blocks, which slide up and down in the links, so that we can trial fit both links to the locomotive.
24th June 2015
It is hoped that a start can be made on final machining of the coupling rod bearings shortly. With this in mind, we have started to polish some of the related components. The two large pins shown, are the coupling rod knuckle pins which connect the two halves of each set of coupling rods together. This joint gives a degree of vertical flexibility in the coupling rods to allow for the up and down movement of the driving wheels as they pass over undulations in the track.
16th July 2015
Some years ago we invested in a new pair of injectors of the correct ‘Davis & Metcalfe’ type for Boscastle. These should be easier to operate than the last ones fitted, ensuring that water can be put into the boiler readily when required. The injectors fit snugly under the right hand rear of the cab and took quite a bit of careful setting up to get them to fit correctly.
12th August 2015
While we still have something that passes for summer, work has turned to re-furbishing the tender wheel sets which are stored right at the North end of the shed site. After initial scraping and degreasing the wheelsets are needle gunned to remove rust and old paint. In this view the top half has been partially needle gunned while the bottom half is in the de-greased state, with the remains of old paint still on.
12th August 2015
This shows the first of the tender wheel-sets to receive a coat of primer. When you next consider the aesthetics and unique design of the Bulleid wheels, please spare a thought for the overhaul team as they are an absolute devil to paint and even worse to clean, but always worth the effort!
Images on this page are copyright A.J.Morgan